Terms and Conditions
The homepage www.officina.onlone is driven by the company:
Trine Kjær Aps
2920 Charlottenlund
CVR nr.: xxxxxxx
Product information:
At officina.online the main characteristics of the product are informed. For further information or questions please send an email to officina@trinekjaer.com
All prices only apply on the day of ordering. The customer are invoiced the price that applies on the day of ordering, conditioned to the acceptance of the order by Officina. All prices include VAT. This does not apply to countries outside the European Union
The presentation of products and prices on Officina is not a binding offer, but merely an encouragement to purchase. The ordering of products from trineswardrobe.com does not consist of a binding accept, but the ordering is a binding offer to buy the products on the specified conditions. A binding agreement between customer and trineswardrobe.com is not confirmed until trineswardrobe.com accepts the offer made by the customer by returning an order confirmation.
At officina.online the following credit cards apply, Dankort/VISA Dankort, eDankort, VISA/ VISA Electron, Mastercard, Maestro and American Express. Officina Webshop does not add additional payments to credit cards payments.
Account information given by the customer at purchase is sent directly to PBS as encrypted data (SSL). It is only readable by customer and PBS. No one else sees or saves the information about the customer. At purchase with Dankort or credit card the amount is withdrawn from your account as soon as the shipment is shipped.
We offer the following deliveries:
GLS Parcelshop (DK) – kr. 40,- DKK
GLS Business delivery – kr. 40,- DKK
GLS EU but not DK– kr. 100,- DKK
GLS Outside EU– 200,- DKK (only chosen countries)
Orders above 250,- DKK delivered in DK will be free of delivery fees. For orders outside Denmark the limit for free deliveries is 500,- DKK. In other cases with free shipments this will be informed on the homepage.
Expected delivery time is 1-4 business days. Officina Web shop carries responsibility for the products until they are received by the customer.
If you regret your purchase/cancellation:
For 14 days you can regret your purchase and cancel it when shopping with us. The limit for cancellation expires 14 days after receiving your products. If you want to cancel your purchase you must inform us. Notification must be given by writing to officina@trinekjar.com. In the notification you must explicitly inform that you wish to enforce your right to cancellation. You can also choose to use our standard form for cancellation of a purchase and include it in the return shipment.
You cannot cancel your purchase by merely refusing to receive the shipment, without applying specific information of cancellation. If the ordered products are not collected in the chosen GLS parcel shop, it is considered a cancellation, and the money are returned to the customer. The delivery is only send again at re-ordering.
You must return your delivery to us without unnecessary delay and no more than 14 days after you have informed us that you want to cancel your purchase. You must pay for the direct costs related to returning the products.
You are responsible for the safe packaging of the products when returning the products.
You carry the risk for the product from the time the products are delivered.
Products not included under the right for cancellation
The right to cancellation does not apply if the packaging has been broken. If the packaging is broken the de-evaluation is equivalent to 100 %.
Condition of the product when returned
The product you return must be in the same condition as when it was received.
Condition of the product when returned
If you cancel your purchase, you will of course be refunded the amount, you payed to us for the products. When returning in case of cancellations, you must pay for the associated costs.
If you will exercise your right for cancellation we will refund all payments received from you including delivery costs (however, not extra costs which are the result of a choice by you for a delivery different than the cheapest form of standard delivery we offer), without unnecessary delay and under all circumstances no later than 14 days from the date at which we received your information of your decision of order cancellation. We will refund by means of the same type of payment used at the original transaction, unless you specifically have agreed to something else.
We can retain refunds until we have received the returned products or you have produced documentation for the return of the shipment.
If you cancel the purchase, the products must be returned to:
Att. Officina
Trine Kjær ApS
Fredensvej 17
2920 Charlottenlund
What should I include in the return?
You must include a copy of the order confirmation. The expedition will speed up if you also fill out our standard cancellation form.
Please note! We do not accept shipments made by COD (cash by delivery) or similar procedures.
In case of damaged products (warranty)
The shortage rules of Sale of Goods Act apply to purchases.
When shopping on www.trineswardrobe.com you of course have 24 months of warranty. It means that you can have the product switched, the money returned, or the cost of purchase reduced, depending of the specific situation.
It is of course required that the warranty is justified and that the deficiency is not created due to misuse of the product or other harmful actions.
How quickly must I claim errors under the warranty?
You must make a claim according to the warranty within reasonable time after having discovered the deficiency of the product. As long as it is within a time frame of two months after having discovered the deficiency the claim will be in due time.
We refund reasonable delivery costs
If the complaint is justified, we will of course refund your (reasonable) costs of delivery.
The products are send to:
Att. Officina
Trine Kjær ApS
Fredensvej 17
2920 Charlottenlund
We need the following information when sending the product to us
When you return the product, please inform of the problem as detailed as possible.
Please note! We do not accept shipments made by COD (cash by delivery) or similar procedures.
Be aware that the product is returned in sound packaging, and remember to get a receipt for shipment in order for us to return your delivery costs.
What do we do with your personal information (privacy policy)
In order for you to make a transaction with us we need the following information:
Telephone number
We register your personal data with the purpose of delivering the products to you.
The personal data are registered at Trine Kjær ApS and are stored in five years, after which the information are deleted.
When personal data are collected via our website, we ensure it happens by your specific consent to ensure you are informed of the exact information collected and why.
The staff in Trine Kjær ApS and relevant staffing in shipments have access to the data registered about you. Trine Kjær is responsible for the data at www.officina.online.
We do not store customer information encrypted.
We do not exchange customer information encrypted.
Information given to Officina Web shop at www.officina.online are not passed on or sold to a third party and we do not register any sensitive personal data.
As registered at Officina you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right to insight in the data registered about you. You are assured of these rights by the data protection act (Persondataloven). Contact in relation to the aforementioned is directed to Trine Kjær ApS via email – officina@trinekjaer.com
If you want to complaint about your purchase, contact should be made via email – officina@trinekjaer.com If we are not successful in finding a solution, you can make a complaint to “Forbrugerklagenævnet”, if the conditions are fulfilled.
Reservation and disclaimer
Officina Web shop is not accountable for changes in taxes, charges and price, as well as errors in proofing, technical errors, sold out stock, force majeure, including labour conflicts and deficiencies to and delays of shipments from subcontractors.
PBS – Pengeinstitutternes Betalings Service www.pbs.dk
FDIH / Forbrugerrådet www.fdih.dk
Forbrugerstyrelsen www.forbruger.dk
Forbrugerrådet www.forbrugerraadet.dk
Consumer information www.forbruger.dk
Standard cancellation form
(This form is only filled out and returned if the right to cancellation is evoked)
Att. Officina
Trine Kjær ApS
Fredensvej 17
2920 Charlottenlund
I hereby inform, that I wish to evoke my right to cancellation in relation to my purchase agreement concerning the following products:
Date ordered:
Name of customer:
Address of the customer:
Signatur of the customer (only if the content of the form is made on paper)